Archive for February, 2010

Deductible, Shmemucktible

We had our first doctor’s (actually, midwives) appointment last night, and I feel like we can now tell everyone. We do have to jump through a few hoops, though. One of those is going to a consult to figure out why J was early, and what we can do to have a full term baby this go round.

Sure to involve lots of poking and prodding. Definitely not looking forward to that part!

Today I got on the horn and talked to my insurance company for a while. I knew I had a deductible, but had no idea what that meant. What I needed to know, specifically, was how much money we need to have put aside before I go into labor.

The answer: $2500.

That doesn’t include co-pays, either, which are $20 for every doctor’s office I walk into. And there will be lots of offices to walk into over the next few months.

My deductible is $1250. I’m betting on having to pay the whole thing, since whether we give birth at the Midwife Center or the hospital, it’s likely going to cost more than that.

If Peanut is born early, P will likely need to be hospitalized for a while. Get this: the first three days, the baby is on my deductible, but on the fourth day, the baby becomes her/his own insured entity. With his/her own deductible. Hence the $2500. Ugh.

Nope, there’s nothing wrong with America’s insurance. Nothing at all. Except that $2500 to us is a gigantic expense.

Gotta go, I have to scrounge up some stuff to sell on Craigslist!


I need to make some extra money. Well, I don’t really need to, but Jason and I have decided to beef up our emergency fund due to a situation that happened at his job recently, and because we’re expecting another baby. After what happened around and after J’s birth, we want to make sure we are again financially prepared for whatever comes our way in 6.5 months.

So expecting that this baby, too, will be early, we’ve cleared our calendars for two months before my due date and started to save every penny we can. No travel past July 31st! I might not even venture into the suburbs!

Back to Craigslist: We have Stuff. Not just stuff, but Stuff. Jason is a Keeper of All Things, and I am an enabler. We live in 6 rooms of a large rowhouse that may or may not be remodeled by 2020. These rooms are brimming, and we’re going to add another human to the mix. Argh.

Case in point: On the left we have a Mingle Tray. I have held onto these for years because a now-deceased friend whom I loved gave them to me. But these trays are not her–I still have my memories of her, and pictures, and a few useful gifts that she did give me. They’re useful, and very cool, just not for me.

I have taken many photos, but need to take many more. And I need to start listing like crazy.

I’m a minimalist on Craigslist. I don’t put what I paid for it, because nobody cares and that usually means a person is trying to get too much for something. Instead, I look at the item and say “If I were buying it off of Craigslist, what number would draw me in? And what would I try to negotiate to?” Yes, I negotiate on Craigslist, unless the person is very clear that it isn’t welcome in the ad. Frankly, I try to negotiate the prices of most things, unless I feel it wouldn’t be fair (the price of something for a school fundraiser, for example).

Besides, having this item sit around, unused, is actually costing me money. My son’s crib could fit there, and then we might all be able to sleep for three hours (or more!) at a time because someone’s snoring/bathroom run/etc hasn’t woken everyone else up, and I might be more productive during my days.

Well, my son’s crib won’t fit in this space exactly, but it is a large, heavy filing cabinet. Wonder how much to list it for? Solid oak with pull out table-$50?

I usually list things throughout a week and then first thing Sunday morning I post the listing. In my Criagslist experience, I get the most legitimate interest, with many people able to pick up the same day. The only exception to that is when I won’t be around a computer on a Sunday (I don’t have a web-enabled cell phone), and then I just post them as I list them.

Note to anyone interested in cloth diapering: buy used (or new, unused) diapers off of Craigslist as you find them so that you can figure out what kind you like. Then sell the remainder for what you bought them for. I’ve made back all of the money I spent on the diapers we ended up not liking or not using. Diapers sell like hotcakes!

Happy selling!

Homemade Macaroni and Cheese

I didn’t think it was possible. Homemade macaroni and cheese in under 20 minutes? Only one dirty pan? Definitely not possible.

Until I found this recipe.

I bookmarked it a while ago, and have thought about making it a few times, but for one reason or another, decided against it.

Last night Jason gave me the gift of a squeaky clean kitchen, so I thought, why not?

So wrong. So delicious. J couldn’t get enough. Well, at first he cried and shrieked because I had told him he was going to have macaroni and cheese, but the stuff I put in front of him didn’t look like what he was used to. After 5 minutes, he calmed down and tried a bite. And began shoveling.

I can’t imagine my life without this recipe. Not only is it delicious, but it also dirties less dishes than making macaroni and cheese out of a box. The powdered cheese kind, not the squeeze-cheese brands. And to someone who does dishes by hand, every dirty dish matters.

Try it, I think you’ll like it.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Cheers to you, on this heart-shaped day!

Jason and I don’t celebrate it, never have, but we respect that other people like to. He did, however, make a grocery store run AND took J, so I had two hours of blissful silence. And he used coupons. sniff, sniff. I’m so proud.

I was a florist in a past life, and hated watching the men come in every year, knowing they had to buy flowers, candy and a card, but not knowing what to get. I never want someone to feel like they have to get me something specific. That’s no fun!

He came home from WholeFoods with two bunches of beautiful, unopened tulips. They’re one of my favorites because I get to watch them open. Purple and white, just gorgeous. But no, he didn’t have to buy them!

We do celebrate the day we quit smoking: February 22, 2006. Now THAT’S a worthy holiday.

Cut and Dry

How is it possible that I again have three weeks worth of unclipped coupons sitting in a neglected pile on my bookshelf? And I didn’t even buy newspapers last week!

I’m considering a switch to buying only the inserts online. It’s about the cost of buying a Sunday paper, but I think it might be more environmentally friendly than buying 4-6 papers every week and immediately throwing most of them in the recycle bin.

I did manage to get to Walgreens today and buy a pack of $3.99 Huggies diapers and a $4.99 Rembrandt whitening kit. I’ve never whitened teeth, and don’t know that I really care, so I may just give it away. I had planned on getting another pack of diapers, but the Walgreens I went to (a new one for me) has a policy of allowing only one transaction per customer. Yuck! I didn’t argue at all, and just smiled and rearranged my puchases and handed the lady some things to put back, but I won’t be shopping at that location again unless Jason is with me and it’s a free or almost-free deal.

If anyone is wondering, it’s the Walgreens on Rt. 8 just up from Etna, across from the vintage Giant Eagle.

Menu Plan

Yes, I make a weekly menu plan. Last month I participated in the Eating From the Pantry Challenge with Money Saving Mom and FishMama, and that went great with my meal plan. Just two days left me scrambling for something to feed the family.

I planned to re-stock last week and this week, but I got sick and snowmageddeon came to western PA, so I haven’t been able to leave the house since Friday except to play in the snow with J.

Here he is, playing in the snow. He mostly likes to hit the  snow and watch it fall on his boots. Whatever works!

Anyway, we are out of cheese, yogurt and a few other things,  and my mom is coming to town on Thursday if the next snow storm doesn’t mangle the roads. I sent Jason to work (a couple of blocks away at a coworkers house–everyone is on  orders not to come in to the office) today with a list and a few coupons, but I’m not optimistic that any  of the dairy will be  in stock. Apparently Giant Eagle is out of  all eggs, milk, and  bread. I may have to alter the meal plan to reflect what we don’t have available.

Without further ado, here’s the meal plan for the week…


Homemade waffles x2, fruit (will quadruple the batch and freeze what isn’t eaten)
Cheesy scrambled eggs & toast, fruit
Fried eggs, toast, fruit (can you tell I crave eggs??) x2
Breakfast Casserole x2
And probably more eggs for the breakfast that isn’t accounted for!


Grilled cheese, tomato soup, mixed veggies
Egg or salmon salad sandwiches, carrot & celery sticks
Homemade macaroni & cheese, baked sweet potato
Leftovers and more leftovers!


Steak salads x2 (J will have vegetable soup and cheese on these nights)
Homemade Pizza, mixed veggies (will make 2 so that we have lots of leftovers)
Spaghetti & meatballs w/homemade sauce, salad (my mom is planning to make all of this while she’s here!)
Burritos, corn chips & salsa, salad (will make extra burritos for Jason’s lunches)
Spinach & feta pasta, fresh bread, goat cheese & cranberry salad
Steak quesadillas, salad (will make extra here, too)
Dinner out

This week is a little odd because when we have house guests, I extend my meal plan to cover the time that they are visiting and then we eat leftovers for the next day or two after they leave. Since we have house guests at least once/month, this plan gives me some down time after they leave to catch up on cleaning or whatever without having to worry about food. So this meal plan actually covers 8 days since my mom will likely be here until next Tuesday.

This Saturday we’re having our friends over for dinner (they were supposed to come over this past Saturday, but snowmageddeon happened), and that is the night we’ll have the Spinach Feta Pasta. It’s incredibly easy and always gets rave reviews. Is it too much to have feta cheese on the pasta and goat cheese on the salad?? I’ll probably make some bread in the bread machine, or at least make the dough in the bread machine and make rolls in the oven. Unless I’m voted down in favor of Homemade Pizza. That happens sometimes!

My Love…

I love Jason. And that’s a good thing, considering the placement of a certain ring on a certain finger. He’s incredibly handy, patient with my cravings and  contradictions, and a great father. I take that back. He’s an AMAZING father. Rather than go on vacation with me to Tacoma last year, he stayed home and worked on the house. Rather than visit my family in WV a few weekends ago, he stayed home and worked on the house (and he likes WV and loves my family, so this was actually a sacrifice). He plans to stay home and work on the house at least one weekend every month in 2010 while J and I visit family and friends.  And he works hard to keep us fed, clothed and happy. I reiterate, I love Jason

2009 Gardening Accomplishments

My photo’s a little fuzzy, but you get the picture (ha!). This was one day’s harvest in late September of 2009. This was the first year for our organic garden at Cinderella’s House, and I’m so glad we did it. Note: that unusual basket is carved wood, and large, a gift from my mother- & father-in-law a couple of years ago. Love it!

Jason cut the sod, not just throwing it away but transplanting the Zoysa grass sod to places in the yard that had become mostly clover and crabgrass. Our neighbor took almost all of the weedy sod and used it to fill in around his pool where he has a hard time getting anything to grow (0 in the garbage–love it!).

Jason tilled the soil, mixing in the organic mushroom compost, and built a wood border around the vegetable garden. Not tall, but enough to discourage little feet. And late in the summer, he built a rain barrel that the garage roof runoff drains into. It’s so cool. All of this except the rain barrel was paid for with gift certificates earned through our rewards credit card and MyPoints. We probably spent about $55 on the rain barrel, including the bypass for the winter months.

Our aunt & uncle gave us several hosta from their garden, which we planted on the shady side of the yard.

We had never liked the way 3 arborvitae bushes cut off the patio from the rest of the yard, so I posted them on freecycle and a sweet woman and her son came and dug them up and took them away. Just like that. It was incredible. The were huge, beautifully shaped, and any landscaper would have charged a few hundred each. I was just glad to have them go away to a good home with minimal effort.

I’m not a rose fan, but our house came with many rosebushes. MANY. and in our tiny 20×50 foot yard, it seemed like we were always getting stuck by a thorn. I also posted these on freecycle and a lovely couple who were thrilled to have them came and dug them up one day. They wouldn’t let me help, and they cleaned up after themselves. AND they sent a thank you note in the mail. Some of those bushes looked to be at least 40 years old, and knowing they went to a good home made me feel better about cursing at them for three years.

In the vegetable garden we planted spinach, bibb lettuce, romaine lettuce, carrots, 5 kinds of heirloom tomatoes, Tiger and asian eggplant, 3 kinds of heirloom peppers, summer squash, zucchini, pumpkin, sunflowers, basil, cilantro, onions, nasturtium, chives, and spinach. More sunflowers were planted in the lilly bed in front of the garage. Many I planted in the garden as seed, or started inside from seed. Peppers and tomatoes and 2 of the eggplants were bought as plants from an organic urban farm nearby.

And my mother-in-law brought me rhubarb from her garden in Maine.

We planted spring bulbs in late October. Daffodils, tulips, crocuses, and allium. Used coupon codes and sales to score tons of bulbs for less than $30.

And a giant green cherry tomato plant grew out one of the vents in our compost barrel. We think it was a tomato that a neighbor gave us the year before, because I couldn’t remember buying any green cherry tomatoes. They were yummy, and woohoo! Free tomatoes!

And someone 5 minutes away was giving away some perennials on freecycle. We took the stroller and got a white daisy, a grape hyacinth, and two different wild lillies.

Lessons learned:

I have squash bugs and they are next to impossible to get rid of. I had a few zucchini and one odd looking pumpkin, and then they killed everything. This bummed me out. I was really looking forward to one big pumpkin, and The Mr. had built a steel trellis just so I could vine it. It did vine well, with help, until it died. I think I’ll skip the zucchini & summer squash in 2010, but I may try a pumpkin again. I can’t resist!

Sunflowers do not mix well with anything else. They turned into 11-foot tall giants in the vegetable garden, probably due to all of the watering. But they sucked the life out of everything growing in close proximity, including the lillies.

For me, there is such a thing as too much hosta. Love ’em, but I’m going to take about 8 of the duplicates and give them to my cousin who needs some pretty around her new home.

Container gardening isn’t my schtick. My plants were puny, and I had plenty in the regular garden to deal with.

I want sweet pea this year. I have a steel trellis that is 6 feet tall that Jason. built for me last year, and I’m going to use that to vine it on.

Square foot gardening is great, but I couldn’t get it to work with tomatoes. My tomatoes were so tightly packed that I actually couldn’t pick some of the ripe ones without breaking off branches. This year they get a little breathing room.

No more eggplant! Turns out we’re not that fond of eggplant. A little is great, a lot is completely overwhelming. I’ll buy it at the farmer’s market. If I want it at all. Not sure we’ll have recovered from the purple onslaught of 2009.

More Strawberries! I forgot to mention we planted 3 strawberry plants in a hanging basket and wish we had more.

More Blueberries! Also forgot that I bought a male & female blueberry plant on clearance at Lowe’s. They did great, and J would pick the blueberries right off the plant and eat them.

Less lettuce, more spinach. It freezes well.

More carrots. They were beautiful while growing and delicious to eat. Also freezable when blanched.

No nasturtium this year. It took over, creeping along and choking off some of the basil and cilantro. I had to keep cutting it back, but a couple of days later it would grow right back. I will find some other flowers to plant among the vegetables that are pretty and attract helpful insects.

Find a ground cover. I had several bare spots through the year, and I’d like to find a ground cover that can grow and then be tilled right into the soil. I know they exist, I just don’t know what to use for zone 6a (or was it 6b?).

Week 2/8 Shopping Plan

I’m going to keep it simple this week since I’m sick due to the sinus infection, tired due to the pregnancy, and my mom should be arriving on Thursday. Here’s my plan for the week:

WholeFoods: Oikos Yogurt cups on sale for $1
will use as many $1/1 coupons as I can scrounge up (free organic yogurt!!)
Milk, whatever is on sale and I have a coupon for
bananas, potatoes, 6 apples, and possible some other fruit or avocados depending on how looks

Giant Eagle: 4 Kraft Cheese blocks, 16 oz. on sale for  $5 each, buy 4 get $5 on your next order
will use 2 $1/2 Kraft cheese coupons, total will be $13
next order I will buy some pizza sauce

Walgreens: Hitting the Huggies Diaper deal, hard. I will try to get to Wags a few times this week.
Buy 1 @ $8.99, use $2/1 coup, receive $3 register reward.
I won’t try to find out if the deal is rolling here, but I will buy some cans of olives and a few other things we need in between diaper transactions.


I’m sick. I have a miserable sinus infection on top of a pregnancy that makes me wicked tired. And I need to be working right now. But all I want to do is curl up under a blanket and snooze. With Harvey. He’s a great snuggle buddy. See photo above.

Worse, I’m starting to question the worthwhileness (is that a word??) of the job I’m currently working. I enjoy the writing and the people (especially the woman I work closely with–she’s wonderful), for the most part I like all of website stuff, content finding, emails, meetings, conference calls, everything, that is, except the ad sales. I hate selling ads, and I try never to use the H-word. But yes, HATE, in all capitals, just like that. I hate it so much that I’m just starting to consider giving up the contract job (I’m self-employed) that I like so much.

Sure, there’s a commission. And sure, I’m paid my normal hourly rate just for making the calls. But man, that is not enough motivation for me.

The other huge problem is that ad sales involves being on the phone almost constantly. I make lots of calls, get many people on the phone, leave messages for more who call me back later. Like when my toddler is throwing a tantrum. But I have to take the call, knowing as I do that in sales, if a person knows you’re trying to sell something an actually calls you back, you CAN NOT put off that phone call. They won’t call again, period.

Since I do most of my calling when J is sleeping, and he’s a fitful sleeper at best, I’ve had lots of issues lately with him waking up while I’m in the middle of a call and screaming at the top of his lungs. I live in a very small apartment, and the person on the phone definitely hears every time. It has ruined more than one call that was going pretty well.

When I took this job, I committed to no more than 15 hours a week, and committed to myself that I would confine my work to J’s nap times and evenings and weekends when Jason could be with him. He has since started day care 8 hours a week to give me designated hours to work. That’s great and all, but it eats away at my pretty meager bottom line. And while I knew that sometimes I would need to take/make an important call or send an email, I didn’t anticipate the level of intrusion on my J time from return sales calls.

This is one situation I do not know how to balance, and I’m not sure there’s a way, other than to ask that I give up the ad sales. I don’t think that would be received very well, considering sales was primarily what I was contracted to do. And I walked happily into it, I’ve just learned since that it’s akin to inserting bamboo rods under my finger nails.

Woe. Alright, I’ll be quiet now. Thanks for letting me vent!